Friday, November 18, 2011

Reflections of a Middle Aged....Grandma there any way to become a grandmother without somehow also becoming 'old'? 

After receiving the news that our son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first baby next summer, my husband happily staked claim to the name, 'gramps'.  Seriously, 'gramps'??  How old are you?  Like 90? When I hear 'gramps', I picture a little old man with a bushy mustache and a walking stick, maybe sporting a pair of bib overalls or orthopedic shoes.  I certainly don't envision my 42 year old husband, who I happen to think still looks mighty fine and who, I'm fairly certain, would never wear bibs.

Somehow I thought we would have more time before we had to cross this particular bridge.  I at least thought our own nest would be empty before our kids started adding little birdies to their nests.  

I thought when grandparenthood became our reality, we would be older, grayer and more on top of our own lives.  I guess the truth is, 41 is older than I like to believe, and were it not for the help of Miss Clairol, I definitely would be grayer.  

As for being on top of things, here I feel like life is just beginning to settle down.  We are getting to a place where things just seem...easier.  We are hitting a nice stride...moving along at a comfortable pace.  We are, after 23 years of marriage, beginning to see the possibility of being 'just us' again.  

Not that we are pushing our own last little birdie out of the nest just yet, but we definitely are beginning to accept that our days as 'mommy and daddy' are numbered.  And making the move from parents of littles to parents of bigs is one we are fully prepared...even make.  

But grandkids?  Who saw that coming so soon?  "Not I", said the middle aged mom.  I do not feel like a grandma.  I do not look a nana.  I am not aptly prepared to be a mamaw.  I haven't a clue how to move from here to there.  

I have a friend with a grandson and two more grandchildren on the way who cannot believe I am not already over the moon at the prospect of having a grandbaby.  She assures me I will be.  I'm sure she's right.  After all, any child of my child is sure to steal my heart.  

So after mulling it over, I staked my claim to the name, 'MiMi'.  I don't think 'Mimi' sounds too old.  I think I could be a 'Mimi'.  After all, a 'Mimi' wouldn't wear a duster dress and keep her teeth in a cup...would she?  Well not this 'Mimi' anyway.  :-)

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